Welcome to Young Housnlow

Information for young people aged 11 to 19 years

Popular links

Connexions - Careers Advice for young people aged 16-19 and those aged 16-25 with an education, health and care plan (EHCP), who need help getting into education, training, employment, or an apprenticeship.. Weekly drop-in session every Tuesday, from 3pm-5pm at Hounslow House.

Youth Skills and Employment Guarantee (YSEG) - young people aged 14-25 who live in the borough can access free information, guidance and support for education, employment, and training opportunities

Young Carers - Young people under 18 years who are looking after or supporting someone at home who, through illness, disability, substance dependency or mental health issues is unable to care for themselves.

Hounslow Youth Council - young people changing and influencing decision-making processes.

Children In Care and care leavers - support and advice for children in care